മലയാളം ഹദീസ് 7.0
മലയാളം ഹദീസ്--------------------ഇമാം ബുഖാരി, ഇമാം മുസ്ലിം, ഇമാം അബൂദാവൂദ്, തിര്‍മിദി, ഇബ്നുമാജ,നസാഈ മുതലായ ഹദീസ് പണ്ഡിതര്‍ റിപ്പോര്‍ട്ട് ചെയ്ത മൂവായിരത്തോളംസ്വഹീഹായ ഹദീസുകള്‍...വിഷയാടിസ്ഥാനത്തില്‍.നാഥാ! ഇതില്‍ എന്തെങ്കിലും തെറ്റുകുറ്റങ്ങള്‍പറ്റിയിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ വിട്ടുപൊറുത്തു മാപ്പാക്കിത്തരണേ! (ആമീന്‍) -തെറ്റുകള്‍ കണ്ടാല്‍ ദയവു ചെയ്തു ചൂണ്ടിക്കാണിക്കുക.Hadees in malayalam-------------------------------Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Malayalam script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any hadith- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Share Malayalam Hadith with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.Source Data Collected by: - Taken from
Sindhi Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Bengali Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Alkitab 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Tamil Hadith 6.0
Hadees in Tamil-------------------------------Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Tamil script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any hadith- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Tamil Hadith with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
الكتاب المقدس 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ മലയാളം 8.0
114 അദ്ധ്യായങ്ങള്‍ ഉള്‍ക്കൊള്ളുന്ന പരിശുദ്ധഖുര്‍ആന്‍ അല്ലാഹുവിന്‍റെ വചനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ അക്ഷരങ്ങളും ശബ്ദങ്ങളുംനല്‍കപ്പെട്ടതാണ്‌. മനുഷ്യര്‍ക്ക്‌ ഗ്രഹിക്കാന്‍ വേണ്ടിയാണ്‌വചനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ അക്ഷരവും ശബ്ദവും നല്‍കി അല്ലാഹു ജിബ്‌രീല്‍ (അ) എന്നമലക്ക്‌ മുഖേന അന്ത്യ പ്രവാചകന്‍ മുഹമ്മദ്‌ നബി (സ) ക്ക്‌ എത്തിച്ചുകൊടുത്തത്‌. കുറച്ച്‌ ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍ നബി (സ)യുടെ മക്കാ ജീവിതത്തിലുംബാക്കി ഭാഗങ്ങള്‍ മദീനാ ജീവിതത്തിലുമാണ്‌ അവതരിപ്പിച്ചു കൊടുത്തത്‌.അദ്ദേഹം അത്‌ വള്ളിപുള്ളി വിത്യാസമില്ലാതെ ജനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ പ്രബോധനംചെയ്യുകയും അതിലെ സന്ദേശങ്ങള്‍ സ്വജീവിതത്തില്‍ പകര്‍ത്തിജനങ്ങള്‍ക്ക്‌ മാതൃകയാവുകയും ചെയ്തു. മറ്റ്‌ വേദഗ്രന്ഥങ്ങളില്‍നിന്നും വ്യത്യസ്തമായി ലോകത്താകമാനമുള്ള മനുഷ്യര്‍ക്ക്‌ വേണ്ടിയാണ്‌പരിശുദ്ധ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ അവതരിപ്പിച്ചിട്ടുള്ളത്‌.തീര്‍ച്ചയായും നാമാണ്‌ ആ ഉല്‍ബോധനം (ഖുര്‍ആന്‍) അവതരിപ്പിച്ചത്‌.തീര്‍ച്ചയായും നാം അതിനെ കാത്തുസൂക്ഷിക്കുന്നതുമാണ്‌.(15:9).പരിശുദ്ധ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ അറബി ഭാഷയിലാണ്‌ അവതീര്‍ണ്ണമായത്‌. അതിലെഅക്ഷരങ്ങളും ശബ്ദവും ദൈവികമാണ്‌. ഏത്‌ നബിയ്‌ക്കും അല്ലാഹു വഹ്‌യ്‌(ബോധനം) നല്‍കുന്നത്‌ ആ പ്രവാചകന്‍റെ ഭാഷയിലാണെന്ന്‌ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍പ്രഖ്യാപിക്കുന്നു. സന്ദേശം ലഭിയ്‌ക്കുന്ന പ്രവാചകനും അദ്ദേഹത്തിന്‍റെചുറ്റുമുള്ളവര്‍ക്കും മനസ്സിലാകണമെങ്കില്‍ അങ്ങനെ ആയിരിക്കുകയും വേണം.സത്യന്വേഷികള്‍ ആദ്യമായി ചെയ്യേണ്ടത്‌ അറബി ഭാഷ പഠിച്ച്‌ തനതായരൂപത്തില്‍ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ ഗ്രഹിക്കുകയാണ്‌. അതിനു കഴിയാത്തഹതഭാഗ്യര്‍ക്ക്‌ ഖുര്‍ആനെപ്പറ്റി ഒരേകദേശ ജ്ഞാനം ഉണ്ടാകാന്‍ വേണ്ടിമാത്രമാണ്‌ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ ഇതര ഭാഷകളിലേക്ക്‌ പരിഭാഷപ്പെടുത്തേണ്ടിവരുന്നത്‌. പരിശുദ്ധ ഖുര്‍ആന്‍റെ അമാനുഷികത നിലനിര്‍ത്തിക്കൊണ്ടുള്ളപരിഭാഷയുണ്ടാക്കുകയെന്നുള്ളത്‌ മനുഷ്യകഴിവിന്നതീതമാണ്‌. ഖുര്‍ആന്‍പരിഭാഷ എന്നാല്‍ അതിനര്‍ത്ഥം ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ വ്യാഖ്യാനം എന്നു മാത്രമാണ്‌.അതിന്‍റെ യഥാര്‍ത്ഥമായ അര്‍ത്ഥം ഗ്രഹിക്കാന്‍ അറബി ഭാഷയിലൂടെ മാത്രമേസാധിക്കുകയുള്ളൂ. അല്ലാതെ മലയാളം ഖുര്‍ആനോ ഇംഗ്ലീഷ്‌ ഖുര്‍ആനോഉണ്ടാക്കുവാന്‍ ആര്‍ക്കും സാദ്ധ്യവുമല്ല. ഈയൊരു തത്വംമനസ്സിലാക്കിയിട്ടുവേണം ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ പരിഭാഷ വായിക്കുവാന്‍. മാനവസമൂഹത്തെ ഏകീകരിക്കുവാനും സമുദ്ധരിക്കുവാനും ഉതകുന്ന സാര്‍വ്വജനീനസിദ്ധാന്തങ്ങളാണ്‌ വിശുദ്ധ ഖുര്‍ആനിലെ പ്രമേയങ്ങള്‍.അതൊരാവര്‍ത്തിയെങ്കിലും വായിച്ചു നോക്കുവാന്‍ കഴിയാത്തവരെപ്പോലെനിര്‍ഭാഗ്യവാന്മാര്‍ ആരുണ്ട്‌? ഭാഷയാണിതിന്‌ ഒന്നാമത്തെ തടസ്സം.മുസ്ലിങ്ങളില്‍ത്തന്നെ ഇന്ത്യയില്‍ ആയിരത്തിലൊരാള്‍ക്ക്‌ പോലും അറബിഭാഷ നന്നായി അറിയുകയില്ല. പിന്നെ അമുസ്ലിങ്ങളുടെ കാര്യംപറയേണ്ടതില്ലല്ലോ. നാട്ടില്‍ പലയിടങ്ങളിലും ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ ക്ലാസ്സുകള്‍നടക്കുന്നുണ്ടെങ്കിലും പല സാഹചര്യങ്ങളാല്‍ അതില്‍ പങ്കെടുക്കാന്‍കഴിയത്തവരും ധാരാളം ഉണ്ട്‌. ഇക്കാരണത്താലാണ്‌ മുസ്ലിം സമൂഹംഖുര്‍ആനികമായ ജീവിത നിര്‍ദ്ദേശങ്ങളില്‍ നിന്നുംവ്യതിചലിച്ചുപൊയ്കൊണ്ടിരിക്കുന്നത്‌.പ്രവാചകനും, സ്വഹാബികളും താബിഉകളും സ്വലഫുസ്വാലിഹുകളും പറഞ്ഞുതന്നവ്യാഖ്യാനങ്ങള്‍ വിശദമാക്കുന്ന ഖുര്‍ആന്‍ വ്യാഖ്യാനങ്ങള്‍നിരവധിയുണ്ട്‌. വിശദമായ പഠനത്തിന്‌ അവയുടെയും പണ്ഠിതന്മാരുടെയും സേവനംഉപയോഗപ്പെടുത്തണം എന്ന്‌ ഉണര്‍ത്തുകയാണ്‌. ഈ സംരംഭത്തില്‍ മാനുഷികമായവല്ല തെറ്റ്‌കുറ്റങ്ങളും വന്നിട്ടുണ്ടെങ്കില്‍ ചൂണ്ടിക്കാട്ടണമെന്ന്‌മാന്യ വായനക്കാരോട്‌ അപേക്ഷിക്കുന്നു.ഇതൊരു പ്രതിഫലാര്‍ഹമായ സല്‍ക്കര്‍മ്മമായി അല്ലാഹുസ്വീകരിക്കുമാറകട്ടെ! (ആമീന്‍)Quran in malayalam-------------------------------Following are the core features of this app:- Best font in all available apps- Share hadith withing seconds- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly.- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history.More facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.Source Data Collected by: - Taken from
Dua Malayalam 3.0
Malayalam dua-------------------------------Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Malayalam script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Dua- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.islamic dua in malayalam
পবিত্র বাইবেল 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Quran Translations in Hindi 3.0
Quran Hindi ( हिन्दी कुरान )Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Swahili Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Tatar Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Somali Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Japanese Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Slovak Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
انجیل مقدس 4.0
Following are the core features of thisapp:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Urdu script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Urdu bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Hausa Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
聖經 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
日本聖書 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Malayalam Scrap 3.0
This Application is flexible enough to sharemessages to any social media with sharing optionsMalayalam SMS,Malayalam Messages,Malayalam Jokes,MalayalamGreetings,Malayalam Friendship Messages,Malayalam News,MalayalamPicture Comments,Malayalam Birthday Greetings,Malayalam GreatWords,Malayalam April Fool Messages,Ramadan Greetings,VishuGreetings,Malayalam Love Messages,etc..CATEGORIES INCLUDES:--------------------------------------╠ Friendship – സൗഹൃദം╠ News – വാര്‍ത്ത╠ Congrats – അഭിനന്ദനം╠ Comments – അഭിപ്രായം╠ Fun – വിനോദം╠ Birthday – ജന്‍മദിനം╠ Childhood – കുട്ടിക്കാലം╠ Pravasi – പ്രവാസി╠ Great Words – മഹദ് വചനം╠ Christmas – ക്രിസ്‌തുമസ്‌╠ Onam – ഓണം╠ Good Day – ശുഭദിനം╠ Easter – ഈസ്റ്റര്‍╠ Eid╠ Health – ആരോഗ്യം╠ Independance Day╠ Love╠ Religion – മതം,വിശ്വാസം,ഭക്തി╠ April Fool╠ Vishu – വിഷു╠ Ramadan╠ Thattukada – തട്ടുകടand lots more....### More Messages/Jokes and Categories will be addedfrequently.check for Updates ###
Macedonian Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
પવિત્ર બાઇબલ 4.0
Following are the core features of thisapp:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Gujarati script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Gujarati bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
ಪವಿತ್ರ ಬೈಬಲ್ 4.0
ಪವಿತ್ರ ಬೈಬಲ್ - Kannada Bible-------------------------------------------ಹಳೆಯ ಒಡಂಬಡಿಕೆಆದಿಕಾಂಡ,ವಿಮೋಚನಕಾಂಡ,ಯಾಜಕಕಾಂಡ,ಅರಣ್ಯಕಾಂಡ,ಧರ್ಮೋಪದೇಶಕಾಂಡ,ಯೆಹೋಶುವ,ನ್ಯಾಯಸ್ಥಾಪಕರು,ರೂತಳು,1ಸಮುವೇಲನು,2 ಸಮುವೇಲನು,1 ಅರಸುಗಳು,2 ಅರಸುಗಳು,1 ಪೂರ್ವಕಾಲವೃತ್ತಾ,2ಪೂರ್ವಕಾಲವೃತ್ತಾ,ಎಜ್ರನು,ನೆಹೆಮಿಯ,ಎಸ್ತೇರಳು,ಯೋಬನು,ಕೀರ್ತನೆಗಳು,ನೋಕ್ತಿಗಳು,ಪ್ರಸಂಗಿ,ಪರಮಗೀತ,ಯೆಶಾಯ,ಯೆರೆಮಿಯ,ಪ್ರಲಾಪಗಳು,ಯೆಹೆಜ್ಕೇಲನು,ದಾನಿಯೇಲನು,ಹೋಶೇ,ಯೋವೇಲ,ಆಮೋಸ,ಓಬದ್ಯ,ಯೋನ,ಮಿಕ,ನಹೂಮ,ಬಕ್ಕೂಕ್ಕ,ಚೆಫನ್ಯ,ಹಗ್ಗಾಯ, ಜೆಕರ್ಯ, ಮಲಾಕಿಯಹೊಸ ಒಡಂಬಡಿಕೆಯುಮತ್ತಾಯನು, ಮಾರ್ಕನು, ಲೂಕನು, ಯೋಹಾನನು, ಅಪೊಸ್ತಲರ ಕೃತ್ಯಗ,ರೋಮಾಪುರದವರಿಗೆ, 1 ಕೊರಿಂಥದವರಿಗೆ, 2 ಕೊರಿಂಥದವರಿಗೆ, ಗಲಾತ್ಯದವರಿಗೆ,ಎಫೆಸದವರಿಗೆ, ಫಿಲಿಪ್ಪಿಯವರಿಗೆ, ಕೊಲೊಸ್ಸೆಯವರಿಗೆ, 1 ಥೆಸಲೊನೀಕದವರಿಗೆ, 2ಥೆಸಲೊನೀಕದವರಿಗೆ, 1 ತಿಮೊಥೆಯನಿಗೆ, 2 ತಿಮೊಥೆಯನಿಗೆ, ತೀತನಿಗೆ, ಫಿಲೆಮೋನನಿಗೆ,ಇಬ್ರಿಯರಿಗೆ, ಯಾಕೋಬನು, 1 ಪೇತ್ರನು, 2 ಪೇತ್ರನು, 1 ಯೋಹಾನನು, 2 ಯೋಹಾನನು, 3ಯೋಹಾನನು, ಯೂದನು, ಪ್ರಕಟನೆFollowing are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Kannada script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Kannada bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Uyghur Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
کتاب مقدس 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Collection Hadith 2.0
Sahih Bukhari,Sahih Muslim,SunanAbu-Dawud,Malik's Muwatta,Qudsi Hadees Collection (English)Hadees in English-------------------------------Following are the core features of this app:- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any hadith- Share hadith withing seconds- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly.- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history.- Support for both phone and tablet.- Portrait and Landscape supportMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Tajik Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Maranao Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
வேதாகமம் 4.0
Following are the core features of thisapp:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Tamil script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Tamil bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
पवित्र बाइबिल 4.0
Following are the core features of thisapp:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Hindi script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Hindi bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Maldivian Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
ਬਾਇਬਲ 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
圣经 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
मराठी बायबल 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
German Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
Korean Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
POLSKIE Biblia 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedback forimprovement.
הקודש במקרא 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Share Quran English 1.0
Share Quran is a simple Quran applicationforAndroid device .Read,Study and Share the Quran in English.Share Quran provides the following features:- Best font in all available apps.- Share Ayat to all social apps on your phone.- Copy ayat to clipboard.- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly.- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history.- Keep the Screen lighten all the time of reading Qur'an withtheapplication.- Let your old device to read it easily without anydifficultways.- Read Quran in portrait or landscape modes.- No ads.- Improved speed.- Download all recitations with a single click.More facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Portuguese Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Albanian Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Malayalam Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
పవిత్ర బైబిల్ 4.0
Telugu Bible------------------పాత నిబంధన - O.T.ఆదికాండము, నిర్గమకాండము, లేవీయకాండము,సంఖ్యాకాండము,ద్వితీయోపదేశకాండమ, యెహొషువ, న్యాయాధిపతులు, రూతు,సమూయేలు మొదటిగ్రంథము, సమూయేలు రెండవ గ్రంథము, రాజులు మొదటి గ్రంథము,రాజులు రెండవగ్రంథము, దినవృత్తాంతములు మొదటి గ్రంథము, దినవృత్తాంతములురెండవగ్రంథము, ఎజ్రా, నెహెమ్యా, ఎస్తేరు, యోబు గ్రంథము, కీర్తనలగ్రంథము,సామెతలు, ప్రసంగి, పరమగీతము, యెషయా గ్రంథము,యిర్మీయా,విలాపవాక్యములు, యెహెజ్కేలు, దానియేలు, హొషేయ, యోవేలు,ఆమోసు, ఓబద్యా,యోనా, మీకా, నహూము, హబక్కూకు, జెఫన్యా, హగ్గయి,జెకర్యా, మలాకీ,కొత్త నిబంధన - N.T.మత్తయి సువార్త, మార్కు సువార్త, లూకా సువార్త, యోహానుసువార్త,అపొస్తలుల కార్యములు, రోమీయులకు, 1 కొరింథీయులకు, 2కొరింథీయులకు,గలతీయులకు, ఎఫెసీయులకు, ఫిలిప్పీయులకు, కొలొస్సయులకు,1థెస్సలొనీకయులకు, 2 థెస్సలొనీకయులకు, 1 తిమోతికి, 2 తిమోతికి,తీతుకు,ఫిలేమోనుకు, హెబ్రీయులకు, యాకోబు, 1 పేతురు, 2 పేతురు, 1యోహాను, 2యోహాను, 3 యోహాను, యూదా, ప్రకటన గ్రంథముFollowing are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Telugu script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share Telugu bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Tamil Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Српска Библија 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Bosnian Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Sheng Jing 4.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any bible verses- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tablet- Portrait and Landscape support- Share bible verses with friends and familyMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Spanish Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.
Polish Quran 5.0
Following are the core features of this app:- Ayah Copy- Ayah Share- Designed to run on all versions of Android devices- Capable to render Unicode script perfectly- No additional font installation required- Best font in all available apps- Easy access to any Ayah- Layout - is very simple and is user friendly- History - every word you ever viewed is stored in history- Text size and color customization- Support for both phone and tabletMore facilities... Check it yourself and give feedbackforimprovement.